Featured Meteorologist Shea Gibson
Q and A with Featured Meteorologist – Shea Gibson

Q and A with StormHour Featured Meteorologist – Shea Gibson
Shea can be found on Twitter here
Shea Gibson. Charleston, SC.
Shea Gibson – WeatherFlow, Inc. Meteorologist – Wind Forecaster SE Region & East Coast – Tropics – Outreach & New Weather Station Projects – AMS Member
Question 1. What was your most memorable weather event?
Hurricane Hugo 1989 I lived in Charleston, SC at that time
Question 2. What is your favourite and least favourite type of weather?
Favorite type of weather: Snow / Least favorite: Cold dreary rain
Question 3. If you weren’t a meteorologist what would you most like to be?
If I weren’t a meteorologist, I would like to be an engineer of some sort – something with creativity and modern application
Question 4. From a purely meteorological point of view, where would you most like to live?
I actually live in a great place on Earth here in Charleston, SC. We get to see every season for the most part with some fantastic weather. BUT…if I had to choose another spot…I might take a nice large rolling stretch of Wyoming. Dryer and a bit cooler. Comfortable overall.Favorite topic of meteorological studies and observations
Question 5. Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Favorite topic of meteorological studies and observations: Sea Breezes. All classes. Such a beautiful microscale, synoptic-scale and mesoscale study all at once for many parts of the world – especially the Coastal SE Region.
More about Shea:

Most of the operational forecasting I do is wind related for wind and watersportsman, as well as for coastal maritime efforts. We have an extensive coastal mesonet with 5 minute station updates for enhanced near real time observations. We have 5 consumer applications named WindAlert, SailFlow, iKitesurf, iWindsurf and FishWeather for the wind and water enthusiasts…as well as our professional Datascope viewer for enterprise and government usages. For pro-bono work and outreach, I run the “Chucktown Wind Report” group on Facebook for the Charleston, SC area.
If you are interested in being a Featured Meteorologist on StormHour please contact mark @ stormhour.com or via DM on Twitter