Weather Photo Of The Week 24th December 2018

Photo Of The Week Results 24th December 2018

Weather Photo Of The Week 24th December 2018

Welcome to the winning images for this week’s weather and landscape photo competition.

Welcome to the StormHour Photo of the Week competition.

The Royal Meteorological Society are offering their 2018 calendar as first prize in our weekly competition.

As always the final decision is very subjective and a difficult choice has to be made from so many great entries. Thank you to @RMetS judging and we hope you enjoy their choice and the best of the rest beneath.

1st Place Winter dawn at Jax Beach by D Malone McMillan @EzekielANovel

2nd Place Fishing Boat Challenge being Challenged on the North Sea off Tynemouth Pier by Coastal Portraits @johndefatkin


3rd Place The incredible cloud cover did an interesting mirror of the mountains by Sarah Brooks Photos @SBrooksPhotosNZ
