September 2022 Photo of the Month Competition
Weather and Landscape Competition Winner for September 2022!

1st Place. A powerful set of lightning bolts landing on the Superstition Mountains by SpikeWX @AZStormChase

Best of the Rest – The Daily Winners (Ordered by Date)
6th September The magic of the Fens by Veronica in the Fens @VeronicaJoPo

7th September Diablo Lake in Washington State by J Bish @HTC_Enthusiast

8th September Sunrise at Kootenay Lake BC, Canada by Sandra Nicol @tennis45luv

9th September A stormy evening at Priorslee Telford by Manel Roura @ManelRoura

12th September A stunning sun pillar over mountains on the Isle of Mull by Jude @JUDITHM58257161

13th September Landing at Gran Canaria at sunset with Tenerife in the distance by Ian Barnes @Ian_Barnes

14th September Descending through a clearing storm, French Alps by David Whitfield @dgwhit

15th September Power Station Sunrise by Chris Love Photography @ChrisLuvPhoto

16th September Dusk over Los Andes by Voyager 360 @360Voyager

19th September A foggy morning sunrise from Minnesota by Pamela Sherlock @antirrhetikos

20th September Autumn colors beginning to show in Upper Michigan by Cameron @buckycalloway

21st September Beach huts and clouds at Southwold by Sally @rosetintedlass

22nd September Early morning mist clinging to the valleys of Coniston by Jude @JUDITHM58257161

23rd September Blue sky rainbow over Miami Beach by Lyndall Lambert @LyndyMiami

26th September Beautiful sunset with a SpaceX launch as seen from Sunset Beach, NC by Mark Moore @MMoore_hoops

27th September Under the Outfall pipe at East beach, Selsey, West Sussex UK by @wildwood1971

28th September Lulworth Cove at noon by Peter Lewis @PeterLewis55

29th September Shelf cloud rolling into South Florida by PhotographicFloridian @JackLinFLL

30th September Cow and clouds on Hob Moor, York by Lazlo Uzala @LazloUzala