Photo of the Week 4th December 2023
The winning image for the weather and landscape photo of the week competition on the 4th of December 2023, plus the best of the rest.

This week's winning photograph: Sunsetting on The Grand Canyon by Susan O'Malley, MD @DrSusanOMalley

Mamzar Beach, Dubai, storm overlooking the sharjah by @Ambarseriya

Nature swallowing homes by james @jameshannumWx

Mighty Himalayas and Blue Sky by Surender Mehra IFS @surenmehra

London at sunset above the River Thames by Peter Lewis @PeterLewis55

Puddle Magic - dawn reflection by William Hulbert Photography @WLH1972

Trwyn Du Lighthouse, Anglesey by Phil Taylor @angleseyboy

At sunset, Julian Alps, Slovenia, from Zazavska Koca mountain hut by Heinrich & Palmer @HeinrichPalmer