Featured Meteorologist Kevin Selle
Kevin is a meteorologist at KFDX-TV, Wichita Falls, TX

Q and A with StormHour Featured Meteorologist – Kevin Selle from Wichita Falls, North Texas.
You can follow Kevin on Twitter here.
Kevin Selle. Wichita Falls, North Texas.
Kevin is a meteorologist at KFDX-TV, Wichita Falls, TX. He is a husband, dad, shutterbug and woodworker.
Question 1. What was your most memorable weather event?
Probably the Blizzard of ’93. Thirteen inches of snow in Birmingham (a record). Thunder-snow most of the night. Woke up early Friday morning and didn’t go to sleep (other than 30 minutes on a cold cement floor on Saturday night) until Sunday evening. I was much younger then.
Question 2. What is your favourite and least favourite type of weather?
Much more interested in severe storms and tropical weather as opposed to snow forecasting.
Question 3. If you weren’t a meteorologist what would you most like to be?
Real estate developer.
Question 4. From a purely meteorological point of view, where would you most like to live?
Southeastern US. (Or a quiet island where there is no weather)
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Question 5. Is there anything else you’d like to share?
I’m particularly interested in the transition from the traditional broadcast TV model to digital. Also curious about the work of the societal impact researchers on how we communicate weather information to the public. Lastly, impressed with the images on StormHour!
If you are interested in being a Featured Meteorologist on StormHour please contact mark @ stormhour.com or via DM on Twitter