Featured Meteorologist Erik Kostrzewa

Erik is a University of Michigan alumni, having completed his degree in Atmospheric Science & Meteorology

Featured Meteorologist Erik Kostrzewa
Erik Kostrzewa

Erik is a Meteorologist/Reporter at @FOX17
He is a University of Michigan alumni, having completed his degree in Atmospheric Science & Meteorology.

You can find Erik on Twitter or alternatively check him out over on Facebook.

What was your most memorable weather event?

My most memorable weather moment came in one weekend. After getting done with a baseball game back in eighth grade, a storm popped up and was moving toward my city. The entire day was filled with cool temperatures and cloudy skies, so I thought all hope was lost on severe weather for the day. This storm blossomed into one that would not only bring the first time seeing hail, but the largest hail I’ve have seen to this day. It produced golf ball size hail and I will never forget it and will always remember to never let down your guard when it comes to storms now that I am a Meteorologist. The night after turned into a tornado outbreak for Indiana, Illinois and Ohio. A few tornadoes touched down in southeast Michigan, where I grew up, and I stayed up the entire night tracking them. I even got my entire family in the basement to make sure they were safe as one storm was heading straight toward my house.

What is your favorite and least favorite type of weather?

My favorite type of weather is thunderstorms, any time of the year. It’s fascinating that some storms are capable of producing intense lightning, hail that accumulates to look like snow and tornadoes. My least favorite is a cold rain. If it is going to be cold, I would rather have snow.

If you weren’t a meteorologist what would you most like to be?

It is hard to think of me being anything besides a Meteorologist, because I have wanted to as long as I can remember. If I weren’t a Meteorologist, however, I would probably be a lawyer or a detective. The law fascinates me and I love solving things.

From a purely meteorological point of view, where would you most like to live?

I would love to live in or near Chicago. Having the potential of seeing severe weather, snow storms, honestly really any time of weather (besides hurricanes obviously) and still being close to home. I can enjoy Lake Michigan during the summer while having something to track all year long.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I love listening to music in my free time, going hiking or skiing when I can, and cooking is becoming a serious hobby of mine. I use to be the chubby kid growing up, so fitness is also huge in my life now!