Exciting News! We've Moved Our Newsletter

The StormHour newsletter has now been integrated into our website, freeing us from the chains of third-party platforms.

Exciting News! We've Moved Our Newsletter
High clouds over The Peak District. 

Hi All, I hope you are keeping well. We have made some changes to our newsletter service. After careful consideration, we have decided to move our newsletter from Revue to our own website, stormhour.com, hosted on Ghost.

Since Twitter pulled the plug on Revue, we've been weighing up our options, including Mailchimp and Aweber, but have opted to integrate the newsletter into our website.

We made this decision for a few reasons. First and foremost, we wanted more control over the design and content of our newsletter. We now have greater flexibility and control over the look and feel of our newsletters, allowing us to showcase our content and deliver a better experience for our readers.

Additionally, self-hosting on our website lets us communicate with our readers directly and without third-party interference.

We understand that change can be difficult, but this move will ultimately benefit our readers and community. Our newsletter will still feature the same great content but with even more control and ownership.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to delivering the best possible experience for the weather and photography community.

🙂 ~ Mark