Weather Photo Of The Week 13th April 2020
Photo Of The Week Results 13th April 2020

Welcome to the StormHour Photo of the Week competition.
The competition is run in conjunction with The Royal Meteorological Society who are kindly offering their Welcome pack including Tote bag plus 12 months free membership to The Royal Meteorological Society (Subject to availability and shipping restrictions during coronavirus crisis)
As always the final decision is very subjective and a difficult choice has to be made from so many great entries. Thank you to Mark @StormHourMark and @RMetS for judging and we hope you enjoy their choice and the best of the rest beneath.
Thank you for all your entries as ever
~ Mark
1st Place The dunes abide: sun rising over sand bars in Massachusetts USA by Stephanie Glennon @SMartinGlennon

2nd Place High Rock Pink Moonrise 2020 with lenticular clouds by Sryan Bruen Photography @sryanbruenphoto

3rd Place Irrigating a KS farm field with mammatus overhead by Laura Hedien- Storm Clouds Photography @lhedien