November 2022 Photo of the Month Competition
Weather and Landscape Competition Winner for November 2022!

Weather and Landscape Competition Winner for November 2022! In association with @RMetS
1st Place. Ben Lomond with wild swimmers in Loch Lomond by Gerry @gerrydoc10

Best of the Rest – The Daily Winners (Ordered by Date)
November 3rd Foggy start to the day at Lake Wingra by Naveena Jaspal @Naveena10

November 4th Autumn in Annone Lake, Lombardy, Italy by Emiliano Verga @EmilianoVerga

November 7th Rainy Birmingham by Missis_TeaPot @missis_teapot

November 8th Rough seas in Selsey by Coastal JJ UK @CoastalJJuk

November 9th Active aurora display on a clear evening in South Iceland by Michael Rabone @Michael_Rabone

To help keep the Q & A’s, competitions and photographer promotions running, please show us your support by buying us a coffee or becoming a StormHour member. Thank you for your support.
November 10th Sunrise take off from Gatwick, UK by Sam Robbins@SamRobMash5

November 11th Sunrise. Sunset Beach, NC by Mark Moore @MMoore_hoops

November 14th Poignant sunset at Terling, Essex by Tornadotitan @TORNADOTITAN

November 15th The Cathedral emerging in a misty sunrise from the skies of Ely, Cambridgeshire by J Chiff @JChiff

November 16th Sunrise over the River Clyde with Dumbarton Rock and Castle by Gerry @gerrydoc10

November 17th Canal at sunset in Peoria, AZ by Eydie @eydieaz

November 21st First snow in Åkersberga, Sweden by Henry Köhler @Authorportrait

November 22nd ‘Sir David Attenborough’ departing Portsmouth for the Antarctic by Richard Gatley @RGatley

November 23rd Green gradients at dusk in a meadow in southern England by Gabe Shakour @unplannedcreate

November 28th The Aurora reflecting on Loch Lomond at Duck Bay by Gerry @gerrydoc10

29th November Grasmere Vale Inversion by Faeryland Grasmere @faerymere

30th November Before the ploughs came by Pamela Sherlock @antirrhetikos